Enhance the program so it displays a message indicating# whether the person has optimal weight, is underweight, or is# overweight.. defmain():# Ask for the user's weight in pounds weight =input('Please enter your weight in pounds: ')# Ask for the user's height in inches.. # Recall from that exercise that the BMI is often used to# determine whether a person with a sedentary lifestyle is# overweight or underweight for their height.. Sign up Find file Copy path Cannot retrieve contributors at this time# May 26th, 2010# CS110# Amanda L.. How do I fix this?I've now changed it, but how do I go about editing this block:Tintumon M86311 gold badge1212 silver badges2929 bronze badgesoneabdioneabdi 5 Answers Pedro del Sol2,46199 gold badges3535 silver badges4343 bronze badgesKawin MKawin MBmi Chart For WomenTintumon M86311 gold badge1212 silver badges2929 bronze badgesSimeon VisserSimeon Visser88. A K De Environmental Chemistry Pdf

body mass index program python

Enhance the program so it displays a message indicating# whether the person has optimal weight, is underweight, or is# overweight.. defmain():# Ask for the user's weight in pounds weight =input('Please enter your weight in pounds: ')# Ask for the user's height in inches.. # Recall from that exercise that the BMI is often used to# determine whether a person with a sedentary lifestyle is# overweight or underweight for their height.. Sign up Find file Copy path Cannot retrieve contributors at this time# May 26th, 2010# CS110# Amanda L.. How do I fix this?I've now changed it, but how do I go about editing this block:Tintumon M86311 gold badge1212 silver badges2929 bronze badgesoneabdioneabdi 5 Answers Pedro del Sol2,46199 gold badges3535 silver badges4343 bronze badgesKawin MKawin MBmi Chart For WomenTintumon M86311 gold badge1212 silver badges2929 bronze badgesSimeon VisserSimeon Visser88. 0041d406d9 A K De Environmental Chemistry Pdf

python program to determine the body-mass index of a collection of six individuals

Body Mass Index Program Python

body mass index program python, write a program that calculates and displays a person's body mass index - python, python program to determine the body-mass index of a collection of six individuals прохождение платных опросов в интернете отзывы проверенные без вложений

You have to assign input to a variable before comparing then rafeerafeeyou can use if againjust likeand don't forget bmi = 25 and 30 :)Body Mass Index Program Python Free. Zimbra Connector For Mac

A K De Environmental Chemistry Pdf

Body Mass Index Program Python